Search for Sally


This is the story of a woman’s search for identity, not sufficiency. Come take the journey that begins on a blustery, winter night and ends in the warmth of generosity and acceptance in Search for Sally.


Ole and Elizabeth Erickson were the youngest of their families. Elvin and Gladys Lamb, the eldest in each of theirs. Strangers who lived five miles apart shared values and beliefs they never would discover about the other couple. Two families who never met, sewn together by a common thread — the life of a child.

This is the story of a woman’s search for identity, not sufficiency. Sally Ann Erickson Lamb Beebe was blessed to have been loved by two sets of parents. The ones who sacrificed for her sake that she might have a better life. And the ones who raised her as born of their own womb and loved with all of their hearts.

A tender, hopeful read for those who enjoy the way God works all things together for good or who thrive on learning “the rest of the story.”

Softback, 94 pages with historic and intimate illustrations.